Avoid The Dangers of Truck Jackknifing Accidents With These Tips!

Jackknifing is when a tractor-trailer driver loses control of the trailer portion of their vehicle as the rear wheels slide forward, turning the trailer at a 90-degree angle from the cab.

Truck accident lawyers find these events to be exceptionally dangerous, frequently more so for the other drivers on the road than the driver of the semi.

These serious truck accidents commonly result in cars being swiped by the out-of-control trailer or even pinched between the trailer and the cab as the semi folds up on itself.

In an effort to avoid these crashes, truck accident attorneys recommend the following tips for safe driving around a tractor-trailer.

  1. Always Keep A Safe Distance - The best way for any driver to avoid being involved in a truck accident is to always keep a safe distance when sharing the road with them. Stay far enough back to be out of the trucker’s blind spot, and to also provide enough of a buffer zone for correct braking. 
  2. Be Extra Careful In Bad Weather - Though it can happen at any time, truck accident lawyers find that jackknifing is most common on slippery roads. When traveling behind trucks in the rain, snow, or icy roads, leave extra distance behind the truck which is at greater risk of jackknifing if the rear wheels slide when the brakes are applied. 
  3. Notice the Trailer When the Brakes Are Applied - A key indicator that jackknifing could happen is if the rear axle of the trailer swings side-to-side when the truck’s brakes are applied. Truck accident attorneys stress that drivers should stay far back from the truck when seeing that, as the possibility of an accident is greater. 
  4. Practice Proper Braking - Another important way to avoid being involved in a truck accident is to practice correct, gradual braking when following at a proper distance. Being forced to slam on the brakes due to following too close can lead to getting swept up in a jackknifing, should it happen. 
  5. Avoid Speeding - Additionally, drivers can stay safer and brake correctly when they follow the speed limit, especially around trucks. The faster a vehicle is traveling, the longer it will take to slow down or stop when the brakes are applied to avoid a swaying or sliding trailer on the highway.

One of the most dangerous and deadly truck accidents that drivers of passenger vehicles can be involved in is truck jackknifing.

Truck accident lawyers recommend that the best way to avoid these accidents is to drive attentively and cautiously around trucks and know the conditions that can lead to these types of accidents!